Surrounding Yourself With A Success Squad

Posted by Sam Gomez on

Surround yourself with people who love to see you win.

These people might not be the ones right in front of you --in your home or family. You may need to seek them out. But it will be worth it.

We are all deeply affected by our environments and that includes the people we choose to surround ourselves with. 

For Women's History Month, I'm sharing how having a squad of badass CEO women has changed my life.
I want that for all of us. We deserve it.  You deserve it.

When I launched Nopalera, I knew I needed to find a squad of women who were also building and committed to growing --not just their businesses--but themselves.

Women that were willing to get out of their comfort zone to push themselves to the next level.

I joined a mastermind of over 2000 women entrepreneurs in the Spring of 2021. These women were from all different industries. They were writers, financial experts, brand strategists, personal trainers, and everything in between. What we all shared in common was a growth mindset and affinity for community. 

There was a shared vulnerability that was contagious (in a good way). It was OK to show up in the online group and say you were scared or doubtful. The group was there to lift you up. And they did.

I engaged heavily in the group. I answered questions and gave advice when I could and people did the same for me.

Every relationship is give = receive. You need to show up asking, "how can I help?" before you ask "what am I going to get?"

One day, I received an email asking to complete a survey. If I did, I would be entered to win a retreat to the lead coach's ranch.
My MO is to apply for everything because you just never know.

I won!

Next thing I knew I was booking a plane ticket to spend two days at a private retreat with four other lucky women who I'd never met.
From the moment we met at the airport, the energy of camaraderie was palpable.

We had been looking for each other.

The rest is history.

We now have a text thread where we check in daily. We meet by zoom once a week. We meet in person every quarter.
We all live in different cities, so we have to make a real effort to be in each other's company.

Yes we have fun together, but we also do the hard work.
Having an accountability group requires us to stay honest with ourselves.
There is no jealousy or competition. Only love and compassion.

We all deserve this. I wish this for all of us. 

- Sandra
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